EDI Implementation
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC) will be adopting the IAIABC R3.1 FROI/SROI XML standard beginning September 9, 2024. As of the go live date, all Trading Partners and Vendors will be expected to send filings in the IAIABC R3.1 XML format. After Go Live, the ACORD XML file format will no longer be accepted by the IWCC.
The updated Release 3.1 trading partner tables and matrix are now available:
- IL_EDI-Claims-R3.1_Event-Table_v1_2 (05_29_2024)
- IL_EDI-Claims-R3.1_Element-Requirement-Table_v1_3(05_29_2024)
- IL_EDI-claims-R3.1_Edit_Matrix_v3_1 (01_23_2025)
IWCC Trading Partners (Direct SFTP) and EDI Vendors who are currently sending files in IAIABC R3.1 FROI/SROI XML format to other jurisdictions will be expected to send at least 1 FROI and 1 SROI file for Connectivity Testing only. Any new Vendors or Direct Filers reporting EDI filings to the IWCC will be expected to complete the full IWCC test plan, which is available on the state’s website at this location: (https://iwcc.illinois.gov/ediimplimentation.html). The Test Plan and the Implementation Timeline are also attached to this message for convenience. The IWCC test environment is available starting May21, 2024.
Trading Partner Documents:
- Illinois R3.1 Trading Partner Agreement (Updated 2/28/2023)
- Illinois R3.1 Implementation Guide (Updated 4/15/2019)
- Illinois R3.1 Testing Requirements Plan (Updated 2/25/2019)
- Illinois R3.1 Test Feedback Request List
- IWCC FAQs v8 (Updated 7/23/2024)
Important Dates:
- Testing – May 21, 2024, until August 30, 2024
- Go-Live Date – September 9, 2024
- IWCC ACORD to IAIABC XML Conversion Timeline
Training Webinar
The IWCC hosted a training webinar for its EDI implementation on February 25, 2019. Please click on the links below to access a recording of the webinar and the slide presentation.
The IWCC will regularly update our website to share additional information on this project. You can also send any questions regarding the implementation to our dedicated EDI e-mail address, IWCC-EDICoordinator@ebix.com.