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The IWCC will be closed on Wednesday, 2/12/25 in observance of Lincoln’s Birthday and Monday, 2/17/25 in observance of President’s Day.

New Bloomington Hearing Site for 2025 beginning 2/1/25

200 W. Front Street, Suite 400B; Bloomington, IL 61701

Assessments and self-insurance fees can now be paid electronically. Click here for instructions. 

Resources for Pro Se

Instructions for Pro Se Litigants

As an employee, you may hire an attorney or act as your own attorney when proceeding before the IWCC.  If you do not hire an attorney (called "pro se" or "for oneself"), you will need to become familiar with both the procedural rules and substantive law that apply to your case.  

The IWCC uses CompFile, an electronic filing system for workers' compensation cases.  Effective April 21, 2021, attorneys and pro se litigants must electronically file all cases and documents in CompFile. Prior to filing any document electronically with the IWCC, users are required to register for an account with CompFile. You can learn about CompFile and review user manuals, frequently asked questions, and instructional videos on the CompFile Implementation page. 

Please refer to the following resources for more information: 

Helpful Resources

Pro Se Settlement Contracts

The parties to a pro se settlement must appear at a hearing before an Arbitrator prior to approval of the settlement contract.  Learn more about the process for seeking approval of a pro se settlment contract.  
